Performance range
Traffic: Q=2~800 m3/h
Lift: H=5~200 m
Working pressure: up to 2.5 MPa
Working temperature: t=-20 ℃~+120 ℃
Structural characteristics
1. Joint structure
The connecting shaft structure has high safety and reliability, ensuring the balanced operation of the pump.
2. Shell
Adopting a double volute pump body (outlet DN80 or above), it can balance most of the radial forces, with small shaft deflection and vibration.
3. Support
The rotor components are supported at multiple points, and the spacing between the guide bearings meets the requirements of API610 standard, ensuring that the continuous speed is allowed to be lower than the first critical speed. The rigid shaft design maximizes the smooth operation and minimal vibration of the pump.
Rolling bearings are lubricated with grease or oil to ensure compliance with the service life requirements of API610. The sliding bearings in the underwater part can be washed externally or self washed according to the condition of the medium.
4. Shaft seal
Due to the separate outlet pipe, there is no leakage of pressurized medium along the axis direction. If the liquid is not easily volatile, a shaft seal is not required, and various forms of containerized mechanical seals that meet the requirements of API682 standard can be used. The size of the mechanical seal chamber meets the requirements of API610 standard.
5. Pump shaft
Rigid shaft design, high-strength pump shaft ensures smooth operation of the pump.
6. Insulation jacket structure
By adding high-temperature heating jackets such as outlet pipes, connecting pipes, and pump bodies, the transportation of liquid high-temperature sulfur can be achieved, which is used in the sulfuric acid production process to transport molten liquid sulfur at a temperature of 135 ℃≤ T ≤ 145 ℃.